Entry is time-limited to 120 minutes. The voucher can only be redeemed at branches in the Slovak Republic. The voucher is valid for 4 months. You will receive the gift voucher in PDF format after payment to the email address provided.
23,00 €Entry is not time-limited. The voucher can only be redeemed at branches in the Slovak Republic. The voucher is valid for 4 months. You will receive the gift voucher in PDF format after payment to the email address provided.
30,00 €Credit worth 20 €, which can be used for entry and refreshments. The voucher can only be redeemed at branches in Slovakia. The voucher is valid for 4 months.
20,00 €Credit worth 50 €, which can be used for entry and refreshments. The voucher can only be redeemed at branches in Slovakia. The voucher is valid for 4 months.
50,00 €Credit worth 100 €, which can be used for entry and refreshments. The voucher can only be redeemed at branches in Slovakia. The voucher is valid for 4 months.
100,00 €